Saturday, May 5, 2018

A bridge of connection

In my experience, true healing is not a state where we become liberated from feeling, but freer and flexible to experience it more fully.

It is the willingness to make a journey into the darker, deeper, more complex, and more nuanced dimensions of the psychic spectrum, to touch the fullness of what it means to have taken birth here, to allow in the implications of that and to use these discoveries to connect with others, to discover that while suffering is very personal, it is also archetypal and, as the Buddha noted, is universal in human experience.

To allow our broken hearts and confused minds and vulnerable emotional bodies to form as a bridge through which we can listen to, hold, attune to, and love the others in our lives.

My latest book – The Path Is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You – is now available 

My next two events: 

The Path is Everywhere: A Weekend Intensive, June 15-18 in Loveland, Colorado

The Great Befriending: A Five-Day Journey of Self-Love, Deep Rest, and Coming Alive (with Jeff Foster), September 21-26 in Loveland, Colorado