Saturday, July 29, 2017

Love has no opposite

Some will tell you that fear is the opposite of love. And in this teaching the war begins.

But love has no opposite, for it is whole and without division. Love is the field in which all form comes and goes, including the temporary, wavelike appearance of fear. It is the vast, tender space in which all emotions, feelings, and raw sensations arise, play in light and dark, and then dissolve.

Just like passing clouds could never taint the purity of the sky, the temporary dance of fear could never stain the majesty of what you are.

The longing for fearlessness is honorable and holy. But that realization is possible only by way of intimacy with the fear itself. Drop the word “fear” and enter into the very core of the feelings, emotions, and tender, achy sensations that are arising for integration.

Dare to see that these ones are not enemies arriving to annihilate, but secret guides come to illumine. When fully met in the sanctuary of wise, wild, and reorganizing compassion, fear is able to reveal itself, like all other form, as none other than love in disguise.

If you will take even your fear as a lover, new life will emerge from this union, from this seed. You need no longer practice a spirituality of aggression. Fear is not the opposite of love, for love has no opposite.

Photo: resting in the holding of St. Clare of Assisi, Taos, New Mexico

My new book – The Path Is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You – is now available