I was speaking with a very courageous woman today* who was sharing a bit of her inner world with me. She has been through a lot, including the death of her son, and is stepping into a new world.
During our conversation, I was stopped dead in my tracks at something she said and, even more so, by the experiential world that we were taken into together. It struck me so deeply I lost the ability to think, nearly the ability to breathe.
She was describing a recent experience where she became overwhelmed with the beauty and fullness of a moment, and noticed herself weeping. But these were no ordinary tears. They were neither tears of joy nor grief nor of any previously known state.
She was crying new tears.
Tears of a future not yet known, tears that emerged from the very core of her true nature, tears that formed from her very essence. Tears of the oceans and the stars and the sun and the moon.
We both felt the immensity and majesty of that invitation, the capacity and the willingness to cry new tears. The mercy held in that.
We were reflecting upon what it was that the world most wanted and needed from her right now. Together, we realized it wasn’t that she accomplish this or that, or complete any particular item on her to do list, or provide any sort of specific offering or service. But only that she be willing to cry new tears. That this was way more than enough.
May we each in our own way discover the capacity and the willingness to cry new tears, to fully participate in this life, to follow our own path, knowing that our hearts are sure to break along the way. So that they may somehow be made whole again.
*Shared with permission
My new book – The Path Is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You – is now available
My next event is a five-day retreat, The Place the Light Enters, with Jeff Foster, April 4-9 at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, CO.