Thursday, June 15, 2017

Nothing safer than that

While the path of the heart may not always feel safe, you are the vast, majestic space in which all feelings come and go. Not a space that is cold, distant, and detached, but one that is overflowing with warmth and pregnant with the creativity of the unknown.

To turn from yourself in the face of activation, to get tangled up in the forest of shame, blame, resentment, and complaint, is unkind, and merely enforces the ancient, worn out circuitry of self-aggression. There is nothing less safe than attacking your own vulnerability.

But to stay with yourself in times of activation, to practice intimacy with the contradictions, and to renew your vow to never abandon the visitors as they appear. The invitation is to turn back toward yourself and breathe new life into the sensitive, the tender, the shaky, and the raw. Bear witness to the new circuitry as it forms.

When the old strategies of abandonment begin to fall away, all that remains is your burning heart. There is nothing more alive than that. To truly hold and care for yourself in radically new ways. There is nothing safer than that.

Photo by Martin Sojka – golden sunrise over Lamayuru, where I once found myself wandering, dreaming, lost, and found…

The Way of Rest summer retreat – registration open now (we're about 80% sold out as of 27 May)

New book – The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You – to be released in June