Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The invitation of the broken

At times, a broken heart will appear as a guide into uncharted territory. It is tender and rich inside and requires a cleansing of perception to mine the gold found only there.

On the altar are emissaries of the shadowlands – an assembly of unfelt feelings, unmetabolized grief, and the entirety of the unlived life. Not only the representatives of our own personal historical psyche, but intergenerational travelers, the ancestors and the ones yet to come.

The invitation of the broken will rarely fit in with the status quo or confirm to the spiritual and cultural fantasies of endless happiness, consistent certainty, and streaming positive high vibrations. For it is reorganizing, whole, and of the vast.

The ancient companions have arrived, not as enemies to harm, but as wisdom-guides from beyond, along with your fellow travelers the moon and the stars.

These ones have come to walk with you on a blessed journey of depth.

Art by David Ho

My latest book – The Path Is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You – is now available 

The next book, The Unfolding Heart, will be published by Sounds True in early 2020, details to come

The next event is The Healing Shame Retreat: Spiritual Awakening and Transforming the Core Wound of Unworthiness, April 24-29, 2019 at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado, with co-facilitator Jeff Foster