Monday, May 18, 2020

Free live webinar with Matt Licata on Wednesday

Dear friend,

As part of my upcoming The Path of Wounded Healer: A Five-Week Online Course to Open Your Heart, Tend to Old Wounds, and Find Meaning in Your Life, I want to invite you to a free webinar happening this week.

You can get the details and join me here:

→ Click here to register now: Working with the Wounded Healer Archetype for Healing and Transformation

We have all been wounded in our lives and the path of seeing our wounds as initiation and a call from the deeper Self has been explored since the earliest recorded history by shamans, yogis, alchemists, and mystics. To see our wounding not as an obstacle to our path, but the very path itself opens us to deeper layers of transformation and healing.

During the session we will explore:
  • The archetype and mandala of the wounded healer and why it is essential not only for “professional healers”
  • The various types of wounding and how the wound can be a form of initiation and calling
  • Three core practices of deep inner soul work
  • Shadow work and tending to the wound
  • The fruits of this work - an embodied sense of spontaneity, creativity, aliveness, and compassion for self and others 
It is my intention for the webinar to be a reminder of what is most important to you, and to bring about some newfound curiosity, confidence, and trust in your experience and your life. I hope you’ll join me here:

→ Click here to register now: Working with the Wounded Healer Archetype for Healing and Transformation→

I look forward to connecting with many of you on the call!

