Thursday, June 8, 2017

A sacred conundrum

From the perspective of exhaustion and confusion, it is intelligent to seek relief from the uncertainty and replace the groundlessness with something more stable. Honor the call to safe passage and something to hold onto. You need not pathologize the longing for solid ground from which to orient and take your next step. It is an act of kindness to practice self-care, to slow down, to weave a new story, and to soothe an overstimulated nervous system.

From the perspective of raw, reorganizing love, groundlessness and aliveness are one, for there is no life without embodiment to the flow of vulnerability in all its forms. Here, there is nothing to hold onto, no solid reference points to take refuge in, nothing to heal, and nothing to transform. There is no possibility of an “incomplete” moment and your experience is the expression of wisdom: naked, open, and pure as it is.

While the mind may spin in the attempt to resolve this mystery, this conundrum is sacred and has been placed inside you not to be solved with an answer but to be lived as a question. The relief and rest you are longing for may never be found within the field of conceptual resolution but only by way of intimacy with the contradictions as they dance in and around you.

Though the activity of love is infinitely tender and holding, in its essence it is everything. It is devastating as it is the end of one world, glorious as the dawn of another.

The Way of Rest summer retreat – registration open now (we're about 80% sold out as of 27 May)

New book – The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You – to be released in June