Monday, March 13, 2017

Wandering under the moon

As you wander under this evening's full moon, allow the lunar current to part the veil. For just one moment, allow the archaic dream that something is wrong to dissolve in her wholeness. For this is her secret offering.

The shakiness, the doubt, the raw tenderness in your heart: it is not a mistake. You need no longer apologize for your sensitivity, for your vulnerability, and for the achiness that is surging within you. They are wisdom in disguise, luminous and creative doorways through which the poetry of your life will flow.

Gaze into her realm and receive the invitation to union, and to remember what is most important to you. To behold the shattering reality that love is alive, and that you are the vessel through which it may come to know itself in form.

Without you, love has no hope here. The lunar one and her emissaries are here to help you. Please don't give up on love, for it will never, ever give up on you.

The Way of Rest summer retreat – registration open now 

New book – The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You – to be released in April